Full-Spectrum Emergency Services with Drone Technology

We help you deal with unmitigated risks efficiently and effectively.

Disasters and emergencies strike without warning. Swift and organized response in such situations is vital to saving lives and property. At Sterling Aviation, we let our clients leverage the power of advanced drones to fight unmitigated risks, improve the efficiency of safety operations, and help save lives. Whether it is an earthquake, hurricane, armed conflict, or pirate attack on a ship, we act as the eyes and ears of the emergency services and law enforcement agencies, offering real-time information and letting ground teams make informed decisions. 

As a veteran-owned and operated drone service company, we bring experience dealing with challenges as part of our Full-Spectrum Emergency Services. Responding swiftly and effectively to emergencies is crucial in a world of uncertainties. Our advanced drone technology, flowed by experienced pilots, allows us to deliver accurate and actionable insights, ensuring the safety and security of communities and minimizing damage to public and private property. In the most demanding situations, we provide a level of detail and efficiency that traditional methods cannot match.

Earthquake Response

Earthquakes cause widespread damage and endanger lives. Our drone-based earthquake response services let emergency responders quickly assess the impact, locate survivors, and support recovery efforts.

Our drones evaluate structural damage to buildings, bridges, and other infrastructure to prioritize rescue and repair efforts.
Using thermal imaging, we locate survivors trapped under debris, enhancing search and rescue operations.
We inspect critical infrastructure for damage to let local governments plan for quick repairs and rebuilding.
Share live video feeds to control rooms, allowing them to undertake swift actions and minimize the damage.

Hurricane Response

Hurricanes result in billions of dollars’ worth of losses in the United States every year. They bring devastating winds, flooding, and widespread destruction. We deploy our drone services to provide essential support in assessing damage and aiding recovery operations.

Our drones conduct aerial surveys to assess damage from wind, rain, and flooding, covering large stretches of affected areas.

We monitor flood levels and identify areas prone to further flooding, ensuring timely evacuations and interventions.
We can fly long missions to locate individuals stranded by floodwaters or trapped in damaged structures.
We deliver live video feeds to emergency response teams, improving coordination between different relief teams.
Hurricane -Response

Pirate Attack Response

Global piracy attacks have increased over the last few decades, and they pose significant threats to maritime safety and security. We fly missions over high seas to mitigate the impact of pirate activities, ensuring smoother operations for merchant vessels.

Our drones offer real-time aerial surveillance of maritime areas to detect and monitor pirate activities.
Support merchant ships in high-risk areas and warn of potential threats to agencies involved in maritime security.
Deploy drones quickly to assess the situation in case of piracy attacks or other challenges vessels face.
Gather high-resolution imagery and video for investigations and legal proceedings in contested waters.

Armed Conflicts

Armed conflicts and violence bring threats to life, infrastructure damage to property, and disruption of essential services. As a veteran-owned company, we can support law enforcement agencies amidst chaos and offer critical support with real-time intelligence using drones.
We continuously surveil affected areas, offering real-time intelligence on armed group movements, potential threats, and conflict dynamics.
Carry out detailed assessments of infrastructure damage and help agencies prioritize repairs and ensure the safety of affected populations.
Assist in rescuing individuals trapped in conflict areas and help ground teams locate and rescue them.
Helps agencies plan and execute safe evacuations by providing real-time situational awareness

We enhance your efficiency and effectiveness when you deal with unmitigated risks. Let us be your eyes and ears on the ground.