Advanced Aerial Surveillance For Proactive Actions

Transforming safety and security with advanced drone-powered aerial surveillance

Aerial surveillance was once an expensive and hard-to-access luxury. Not anymore, as drone technology has completely revolutionized how we ensure safety and security, adding capabilities to monitor and make informed decisions. Drone-powered aerial surveillance offers real-time coverage of vast areas, enabling swift detection and response to potential threats. At Sterling Aviation, we are one of the most trusted names for this transformative technology. We help our clients enhance safety protocols, monitor critical infrastructure, and support disaster response. We aim to provide actionable insights to make lives better and safer. 

We are a veteran-owned and operated company that knows the power of drones, offering support rescue efforts on the ground and managing violence on the streets. As one of the most trusted companies for aerial surveillance in the United States, we have state-of-the-art drones and certified pilots who fly them. Whether you need aerial surveillance for security, crowd and traffic management, or data collection, we have the technology and workforce to deliver exceptional results. 

We Are Your Eyes in The Sky

We use state-of-the-art drone technology to offer detailed aerial surveillance, supporting ground crews and control rooms to make informed decisions. Our pilots act as eyes from the sky, supporting clients in improving safety and security.


Our drones provide continuous aerial surveillance for large industrial sites and public events with real-time video feeds. 


We can detect and monitor suspicious activities and alert the ground teams to take swift and necessary actions.


We assist during natural disasters, helping emergency response teams with real-time video feeds aiding search and rescue missions.


Our trained pilots monitor traffic flow and identify congestion points in real time during large events to help with traffic management. 


Using advanced drones, we monitor wildlife movements and environmental changes to support conservation efforts.


Our drones can offer live video feeds from hard-to-access areas and keep and save lives in the most demanding situations.

Why Choose Sterling Aviation?

Cutting-Edge Technology

Drone technology is constantly evolving, and we deploy state-of-the-art drones. Our drones have high-resolution cameras and advanced sensors that work even in adverse weather conditions, offering live feed to ground teams. 

Certified Pilots

We have trained and certified pilots who can fly the most complex missions in the most challenging terrain. Our long-endurance drones allow our pilots to fly long missions and assist teams on the ground in making informed decisions. 

Real-Time Improvisation

A security threat or a natural disaster continues to evolve. We develop detailed plans for various scenarios and can alter the objectives of the mission based on emerging situations. Our pilots can gauge any situation and offer video feeds that make a difference.

Tailored Flights

The objectives of aerial surveillance are as varied as each client’s. Our team works closely with clients to understand their objections and plan tailored flights. We aim to offer assistance and data points to meet intended goals.


Our aerial surveillance services offer a more efficient and cost-effective solution than traditional methods. We can cover large areas quickly and safely, reducing the need for an extensive workforce and equipment.

Fast Deployment

We have the resources and ability to deploy quickly and efficiently. Whether it’s an urgent security need or a search and rescue mission, we can deploy our drones and offer real-time video and images to support these missions. 

Keep a tight vigil from the sky and stay in command of the situation. Let our state-of-the-art drones be your eyes in the sky, help you overcome challenges, and ensure safety.