Saving the Planet from Devastation with Drone Services

Let drone technology be a tool in fighting threats to our environment

Climate change, global warming, and the extinction of endangered species are the greatest threats to mankind. As governments and communities fight to protect the environment and stop its degradation, drone technology is crucial in helping this cause. At Sterling Aviation, we harness the power of drone technology to protect and preserve our natural environments. Our advanced drone services provide critical insights that support a wide range of environmental initiatives. From monitoring deforestation and assessing forest health to aiding in wildlife conservation and climate change research, we offer an efficient way to gather detailed information about large and often inaccessible areas. 

We are partnering with environmental organizations, government agencies, and research institutions to impact our planet’s health and sustainability significantly. Traditional data collection methods are time-consuming, expensive, and sometimes impossible in certain terrains. Our drone services offer a cost-effective solution to monitor natural environments with high-resolution images and videos. Our drone shots allow comprehensive analysis and real-time monitoring to make more informed decision-making and effective strategies. We deploy state-of-the-art drones for natural environment monitoring, capable of flying long missions covering large and often inaccessible areas. Our pilots have an inherent knowledge of flying such missions and offer researchers and conservationists the data points they seek.

Project Planning

Deforestation and Forest Health

Deforestation is one of the major contributors to global warming. Our drone services help monitor deforestation in remote areas and assess forest health. We can fly missions to provide detailed aerial imagery and data, helping governments and other agencies to track changes in forest cover and identify areas of concern.


Our drone services monitor large, forested areas efficiently and accurately.


We detect illegal logging activities and provide evidence for enforcement actions.


Our drone data can assess forest health by identifying signs of disease, pest infestations, etc. 


We can map and document reforestation and afforestation projects to track progress.


We provide data for sustainable forest management practices.

Wildlife Conservation

According to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, over 650 species have become extinct in the United States. We take pride in being part of the wildlife conservation efforts. Our drone services allow non-invasive methods to study and protect various species. We offer visuals and other data to monitor wildlife populations and habitats and boost conservation efforts.


We can conduct aerial surveys to estimate wildlife populations and distribution.


We monitor migratory patterns and habitat usage without disturbing animals.


Our drones detect and track poaching activities to support anti-poaching initiatives.


Our drone data is useful in assessing habitat and identifying areas that need protection.


We capture high-resolution images and videos and provide real-time data and insights.

Drone Services
Drone Services

Coastal and Marine Environment Conservation

The U.S. coast is under a massive threat due to the shrinking habits of marine life. We use drone technology to help conserve coastal and marine environments. Our drones provide valuable data and images that aid in protecting and managing these critical ecosystems.


Our drone services monitor coastal erosion and changes in shoreline structures.


We can assess the health of coral reefs and other marine habitats.


We track marine wildlife, including endangered species.


Our drone images identify pollution sources and monitor water quality in coastal areas.


We help map and document coastal restoration projects to ensure their effectiveness.


Our drone services help sustainable fisheries management.

Agricultural Sustainability and Land Use

We are aiding sustainable practices in agriculture with our drone services. Our drone services help agriculturists and other agencies plan and execute effective land use. As part of our efforts to help clients in this field, we offer detailed insights that help land managers optimize their practices and conserve resources.


Our drones can monitor crop health and identify pest infestations and diseases.


We can offer vital images to assess soil conditions and manage irrigation more efficiently.


We generate maps to analyze land use patterns to support sustainable agricultural practices.


We support conservation agriculture projects by monitoring soil health and erosion.


We help agricultural researchers develop innovative solutions for sustainable farming.

filming through drone
Project Planning

Climate Change Research

Climate change is staring at us, and we have no time to waste. Our drone service is our small contribution to fighting this global problem. We are acting as the eyes and ears of those on the ground fighting climate change by providing detailed and accurate data that help scientists understand and mitigate the impacts of climate change.


Our drone missions monitor changes in the climate and local ecology. 


We assess the impact of climate change on various ecosystems and biodiversity.


We track greenhouse gas emissions and other environmental indicators.


Provide data for climate modeling and predictive analysis.


We support reforestation projects by monitoring their progress and effectiveness.


We help governments and other agencies develop strategies for risk mitigation.

We are steadfast in our mission to use drone services and preserve the natural environment. Let us partner with you and significantly boost your conservation efforts.