Ensuring Confidentiality and Integrity of Your Data at Every Step

Our Standard Operating Procedures protect your data and give you peace of mind.

Data is the most valuable asset for any business or organization in today’s tech-driven world. Hence, data security is paramount for any organization that relies on technology to conduct business. At Sterling Aviation, we understand that your data falling into the wrong hands can cause irreparable damage to your reputation, assets, and business viability. Protecting data against unauthorized access and breaches is important for the survivability of any organization. 

As a veteran-owned and operated company, we realize the importance of data security and have stringent SOPs regarding collecting and handling sensitive information during our drone operations to ensure you complete peace of mind. Our proven process ensures data integrity, confidentiality, and availability only to authorized people. Our foolproof processes encompass every operation phase, from data collection and storage to processing and transmission. Here is how we ensure the highest standards of data security for our clients.

Data Collection

Data Collection

It is the first stage in our drone operations, where we fly missions to capture data for governmental, safety, business, and community needs. Data security at this stage is crucial to prevent unauthorized access and tampering. As part of our commitment to data security, we have included the following standard operating procedures. 


Our drones use advanced encryption protocols to secure data collected and transmitted from our drones to our central servers. It prevents interception and unauthorized access.


We use secure communication channels for data transmission, ensuring data integrity and confidentiality.


Only authorized personnel can access our data collection systems, minimizing the risk of internal breaches.


We conduct regular security audits to identify and address potential vulnerabilities in our data collection processes.

Data Storage

Every bit of data collected must be securely stored to protect it from theft, loss, and unauthorized access. We store data exclusively at the client’s request, ensuring complete control over their information. We have stringent security measures during the storage stage and have adopted the best practices from the industry. 


We store all your data in encrypted formats, making it inaccessible to unauthorized users.


We utilize multiple storage solutions, including cloud and on-premises servers, to ensure data redundancy and availability.


As an SOP, we have laid down strict access controls and authentication mechanisms to ensure that only authorized personnel can access stored data.


We take regular data backups to prevent loss due to hardware failures or other incidents.

Data Storage
data processing

Data Processing

Data processing is one of the most important stages of our service, where we turn raw data into actionable information. This stage involves analyzing and interpreting the collected data. From creating topographic maps and heat maps to helping clients meet compliance, this stage involves a lot of human intervention. Hence, we have laid down strict security measures to prevent data breaches and maintain data integrity.


We use a secure environment for data processing to prevent unauthorized access and interference.


We anonymize sensitive data to protect individual privacy and confidentiality. It also safeguards data against cyberattacks. 


We adhere to industry standards and regulations like GDPR and CCPA to ensure compliant data processing practices.


We have set procedures for random security audits to detect and respond to security threats in real-time.

Data Transmission  

Data transmission is a very important and vulnerable stage in the whole process. Whether internal or external, your data must be secure to prevent unauthorized access and ensure data integrity during the transfer. We consider all security vulnerabilities your data may face during the transfer and mitigate them in the following ways. 


We use secure transmission protocols like HTTPS to protect data during transfer.


Your data remains encrypted from the point of transmission to the point of receipt, ensuring full confidentiality.


We leverage the power of advanced network security measures, including firewalls and VPNs, to protect data in transit.


We employ strict access controls in data transmission to prevent unauthorized use.


We adhere to industry standards and maintain the necessary certifications for data security.

We have robust systems in place to protect your data. Experience trustworthy data management processes as you leverage the power of our cutting-edge drone technology.