Act Swiftly With Advanced Drone Solutions
for Law Enforcement

We are transforming policing and crime control with cutting-edge police support drone technology.

Law enforcement has seen a paradigm shift in the last few decades. The challenges faced by police officers these days are incomparable to the past. Angry mobs, criminal gangs, and terrorists are making use of social media and other technology to wreak havoc on society. These emerging threats call for the use of technology in policing. Actionable intelligence is the key to combating modern crimes where social media has the potential to incite violence. At Sterling Aviation, our mission is to support and enhance the capabilities of law enforcement agencies through cutting-edge drone technology. We augment the ability and effectiveness of law enforcement agencies with cutting-edge drone technology, enhancing efficiency in curbing crime.

As a veteran-owned company, we bring excellence, discipline, and a steadfast approach, acting as the eyes and ears of police officers to help them control crime and make informed decisions in the most challenging environments. From advanced surveillance systems to data analytics and preventive intelligence, we help police departments in the United States in every facet of their day-to-day operations to make society safer. Our police support drones provide real-time intelligence and visuals from the concerned area, improving response times and ensuring public safety. By choosing our drones for police support, law enforcement agencies are improving safety and efficiency and ensuring their officers have the best tools.

Comprehensive Drone Services for Law Enforcement

Drone as a First Responder

We can rapidly deploy our drones as first responders to incidents, providing real-time aerial shots that enhance situational awareness for arriving officers. In a world where information is key to success in any operation, our drones ensure that law enforcement teams can assess situations accurately before engaging, improving response times and safety.

Patrol-Led Aerial Deployment

Our drones support routine patrols by offering aerial surveillance that can cover large areas quickly. We have high-endurance drones that can fly up to 8-hour missions and aid in monitoring public spaces, detecting suspicious activities, and acting as a backup to ground units during patrols. We can deploy multiple drones to offer aerial visuals from multiple angles. 

Scene Reconstruction (3D Modeling)

Gathering and preserving evidence is crucial for prosecution. Our drones capture high-resolution images and videos, enabling 3D modeling of crime scenes. We can help in the detailed reconstruction and analysis of crime scenes from different angles, offering valuable insights during investigations and court proceedings.


Traffic Crash Reconstruction

We assist in traffic incidents with detailed aerial views and 3D models of crash scenes. This information helps local police determine the causes of accidents, document evidence, and aid in legal investigations. It also helps raise awareness in society and reduces accident rates. 


Pre-Tactical Intelligence

Pre-tactical intelligence is crucial in dealing with mob violence and hardened criminals. Our drones gather intelligence, offering real-time data on locations, suspect movements, and environmental conditions. This information helps plan and execute operations with higher precision and reduced risk.

SWAT Operations

Our drones provide critical aerial support during SWAT operations, offering live feeds that enhance tactical decision-making. They help monitor suspect activities, identify safe entry/exit points, and coordinate team movements to neutralize criminals and save officers’ lives.

Hostage Situations

We specialize in hostage situations, and our drones offer discreet surveillance. We provide live updates without compromising the safety of the hostages. We let officers assess hostage conditions and plan rescue operations to save lives and arrest/neutralize criminals.

Forensic Investigations

With advanced drones, we can aid forensic investigations with high-resolution images and videos of crime scenes. These visuals are invaluable for evidence collection and courtroom prosecution, ensuring justice for those affected. 


Lost Person Rescue

We can assist in search and rescue operations for lost persons by covering large areas swiftly and detecting heat signatures through thermal imaging capabilities on our drone. It increases the chances of locating missing individuals quickly and safely.


Traffic Pattern Management

We help manage traffic flow and detect congestion with real-time bird’s eye views of busy streets and major roadways. It helps DOT agencies manage traffic efficiently, even during special events, respond to incidents, and improve road safety.


Indoor Operations

We have small drones that can operate indoors, offering surveillance and intelligence in confined spaces such as buildings, warehouses, and tunnels. It enhances the situational awareness of law enforcement agencies in places where they can’t deploy traditional surveillance methods. 

Why Choose Sterling Aviation?

Veteran-Owned Commitment

As veterans, we understand the challenges that police officers face. We ensure precision, discipline, and excellence in every operation, enhancing outcomes and saving lives. Our team and technology stand the test of any challenging crisis.

Advanced Technology

We don’t fly consumer drones but have invested in cutting-edge technology for tactical operations. Our drones provide law enforcement agencies with high-resolution imagery, thermal imaging, and real-time intelligence.

High-Endurance Missions

We can support long missions with our high-endurance drones and a team that excels even in the most challenging environments. We can assist law enforcement teams with intelligence before the first boots hit the ground.

Experienced Team

We have a team of certified drone pilots with extensive experience in drone technology and aiding law enforcement support. As people with first-hand combat knowledge, we can deliver against extreme odds. 

Rapid Deployment

There is no time to waste when there is mob violence, hostage situation, or terror attack. We can deploy drones quickly, offering immediate support and enhancing response times. We have set processes for quick deployment and immediate assistance to police officers. 

Comprehensive Support

From routine patrols to complex tactical operations and gathering evidence with 3D modeling, we offer comprehensive support for law enforcement needs. From acting against crime to prosecution, you can bank on our services. 

Experience the difference our police support drone solutions can make in improving safety, efficiency, and effectiveness in law enforcement operations. Let's make our societies safer with cutting-edge drone technology.